Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Rumors, assumptions & truth

There are many religions that teach they alone have the TRUTH and the rest have it wrong. I recently asked one of my new friends about his faith (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). What was shared made me question alot of learnings, teachings, and understandings from Judaism and Christianity about other faiths.

This morning I asked a friend who was previously a Christian,  now a Jew, if she had ever read The Book of Mormon. The answer was" No, snippets here and there" yet when I asked her what her thoughts were on it. She immediatly replied "what I had read  is blasphemy.....that there is more than only one way to salvation, and that God came from another planet, and that Jesus is Lucifers brother".  Hummmmm.

This post is NOT about my friend but on the issue of rumors, assuptions and truth.  I have been in the Jewish Orthodox world and experienced/witnessed faith beliefs and living out that faith. In this particular "world" there is rumors, assumptions and truth regarding Christians, Buddists, Other Jewish groups (Lubavitch, Chabad, Reform, etc) which provoke distain, rejection and hatred. This made me very sad that even today  Chosen ones could be so hateful to their own kind.

I have also been a part of the Christian world to a limited extent as a teen and young adult. Snagged in with the movie "A Thief in the Night" , I discovered what was taught about loving your neighbor was only modeled when "your neighbor" agreed to your particular church beliefs. Everyone else was either lost, a back slider or blasphemer.

I have an aquaintance friend who calls herself a wican. We have talked about faith a few times and she shared she had been raised in the church setting of Jehovah's witness. She stated that she would rather be lost than to live her life in the hatred she found in Christianity.  BTW- I did not cast her aside as an aquaintace friend because I also saw some of that behavior.

Who has G-d or religion - the way G-d truely intended it to be? Which book is the "right" book? 2 Timothy 2;15- Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. I personally follow Torah to the best of my understanding and walk that out as best I can with the guidence of how Messiah walked shared in the New Testament. Oh but which version of the N.T. is the "right" one? Shaking my head................

I would venture to say Man has made religion a divisive tool used against his fellow man. I doubt this is what G-d intended. I have walked away from organized religion several years ago yet still find myself tossing away teachings & learnings that have provoked judgement against others or adherence to man made traditions created for "crowd control".

I have no real answers or solutions to this topic as I am still on my journey of discovery ....pondering this life and all it beholds.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Where there is a will................

I have a strong will- there is no doubt about it. I have heard time after time from people in my life about "my strong will".  Most of it wasn't put in a very positive way yet even so it was truth.

I never put much thought into what makes one strong. Physically strong, mentally strong, emotionally strong & strong willed. I can claim all of those but not at all times. In fact there have been times when being strong consisted of remaining alive- drawing breath- not much more.

I dont give up easily. I never have and most likely never will. When I have felt beaten to the point of giving up, I did the unthinkable. I admit it though not very proud of it. G-d had other plans than allowing me to end something HE alone had specific plans for. So I am still here and I am glad.

This strong will I possess has been the driving force of my accomplishments, my growth and my relationships. Having a strong will combined with lifes experiences (good ones and not so good ones) has made life challenging in ways I would not have considered. Defiance.

From early childhood, I was considered defiant and rebellious by my parents. In their mind that may have been but in my own defense, I was only seeking respect and unconditional love. As a young child, I had little exposure to either. During my childhood there were opportunities from extended family members, school teachers and neighbors who loved me and respected me. In fact, just enough that I gleaned such was possible.

Reflecting over the last 10 years, choices and decisions have matured my "strong will".  Most who know me can testify to my unwavering will- to get things accomplished- to make life better- to make a difference. I thank G-d that HE gave me a free will. Its my hope I wont disappoint HIM.

..........................there is a WAY.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Who Am I really

Self discovery - that has been quite interesting. I had to start the process a bit backwards because thats just how I am programmed.

First came figuring out what I wasn't. This was really interesting because I listed all the things I did not like and for whatever reason lived as if I did like them. As I wrote the list, I thought about why I didnt like them. Sometimes things on the list were there because of bad memories and these tended to consist of material items.

There were things on the list concerning behavoir and treatment of others. I think this is where I found compassion and empathy for others. Even as a child, I possessed some of the attributes of an advocate.  Looking back from where I am today, I can see how the people and circumstances of my life groomed me for what I am.

Back in the teen years, there was the release of the film "The Trial of Billy Jack". That movie became a favorite for years. One character I truely identified with was Carol. Like me, Carol was blonde and blue eyed. Carol was kind even when hurt by the actions of others. She had a trust and a strength I so badly wanted to have myself. Looking back, I had that same trust and strength and I had no idea. So many around me told me different; often.

While living in Texas in 1998, I took my kids to see a Christian concert with Jaci Valasquez performing. She sang a song that night called"Sanctuary". Several years ago, that song began to sing in my head leading me into prayer frequently. These prayers were in response to a desire/need to serve. To be an ear, a hug, a safe person to those who were hurting, wounded, suffering- however G-d could use me. But .....................

I wasn't ready. Not until I could love all of me. Not just the pieces of my being which were acceptable on the standards of outside judges but all the rejected pieces. You know. The one who failed 2 grades and almost a 3rd, the one who would self injure at 12 because there was no other outlet to release pent up emotions of rage, rejection and rebellion from abuse.  Therapy works. So does Prayer, friends, forgiveness and regained trust.

I had to learn to trust G-d and to trust myself. I realized trusting either must go hand in hand. The perplexing part was I could trust others more than I could trust myself. Through that trust though, encouragment and support allowed me to begin seeing myself as shared by these friends. The more I "met" myself, the more I discovered I was not the disorted image I imagined.

Unique, one of a kind, set apart. Donny & Marie sang a song togther back in the day. I'm a little bit counrty; Im a little bit rock and roll. This girl. Me. Is a little bit hippy, a little bit red neck, a little bit pollyana, a little bit sunshine.

I love sunshine. I love my job, my friends, and most of all my husband Greg.  Music, nature, art, books - gosh the list is neverending. I see rainbows and beautiful souls.  I feel G-d surround me and He wraps  me in his love and peace. I am safe.  Self Discovery. I am me.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A living soul

In the bible we are told that G-d formed man from the dust of the earth then breathed into this form the breath of life and man became a living soul. A form was created. The form (man) was made in the image of G-d.  I have not totally grasped all this means but it has me pondering.

To add to the mystery in understanding this created being,  scripture tells the story of Adam and Eve and they're removal from the Garden of Eden. So in my thought process, we dwell in the place they (Adam & Eve) were displaced to. Perhaps a realm more than a location. oh and one more minor detail. This man who was formed and became a living soul was provided a covering when man became aware he was not covered (naked).

I have experienced moments where I have felt trapped and yearned to be free. Free to soar, fly, move and dance. Free. Not contained within this body. One of those moments occured when I turned the stairs and my eyes beheld the sight of the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. From right where I stood, my soul wanted nothing more than to soar from this body and be at that place. This almost indescribeable emotion, need, desire was one of the most intense moment I have ever had.

When I explore the inate thoughts and questions I tend to come up with, I talk with G-d and meditate on HIS word. Lately I have been hearing answers and being led to places  where I find new understandings. I want to talk about them and share them with you. Thank you for being a part of my journey...............................
So much has occured since the past post in 2012.  The journey has taken several twists and turns to find my current vista point.  I can honestly say that the experiences, trials and tribualtions in the two unrecorded years have positivly directed me to this beautiful place. Yes I do consider this place  beautiful as  I am able to explore finding comfort and self acceptance.

I have come to understand I do not have to submit to other's ways nor to their criticism of my life.  I do not have to put the values, opinions, perspectives or religious/spritual beliefs & practices held by another human in front of my own. So what are my beliefs? I believe in the G-d of Israel. He alone is my provider and my salvation. In G-d, the Creator of the Universe, there is love and relationship.  I know HE loves me there is no doubt in my soul.  I also believe in kindness, forgiveness, encouraging others, gentleness, patience, understanding, compassion, and giving. These are the attributes G-d  is nourshing within my soul.

My soul for so long has cried for freedom. The freedom to be me; the me I was created to be. But I lost sight of that freedom and I dont even know where or when it was lost. Freedom has been rediscovered in ways I once was taught and ignorantly believed would lead me to be doomed spiritually and physically.  This is no longer the case. My soul is  free today.

My soul loves so many things in this world and finds positives in almost every situation.  My soul still faces the struggle for daily release from the chains of fear built from anger, judgment, lies, pain, rejection and other yet unrecognized factors (links).  However, now my soul chooses to dispel the fears rather than submit to them :).

Submit- oh that well abused word which brings slavery to those who only want to be loved and accepted.  At this point in my life, I no longer have the driven need nor desire to submit to another human being.  I do though submit my entire existance  to the ONE I accept as my salvation and provider.  His yoke (TORAH)  has brought me to FREEDOM.

This newly found freedom has opened up my eyes. Yes I was blind and now I can see. Freedom has also allowed me to hear without deafening outside noise.  This new vista I am at appears to be spectacular as I see so much on the horizon. Places  to visit, souls to connect with,  unending possibilities are ahead. The journey continues........................................

Monday, June 18, 2012

Welcome... Come and meet me

Welcome! I am honored that you came to visit. I will introduce myself. My name is Chana. I am a Jewish believer in Yeshua the son of Adonai. I was raised in the secular world but I have always always known G-d existed and HE was my G-d. I just never understood what that meant. In searching for myself to figure out who I was, I explored the Christian world, Dived into the Messianic world, proceeded to the Orthodox Jewish world and realized what I was looking for would not be found in a building nor in an organized public group setting. I have believer friends from both the Jewish and Christian worlds with whom I pray with and occasionally fellowship with. I am not about legalism or judgment. I am for loving my neighbor as myself.  I fight for the one being oppressed, hurt, abused and mistreated. This includes all my neighbors as well as myself.
Now that you know a little about where I stand, in my next blogs I will begin sharing my learnings and experiences I look forward to retracing my steps as I reflect and ponder while sharing my journey with you. Till then Blessings on you and your household in the name of Yeshua.